From Seville: White Villages of Huelva private day tour

» Andalucia » Andalucia » Andalucia

From $225.18

1 reseñas   (5.00)

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sale: Andalucia, Andalucia

Tipo de billete: Se acepta entrada en dispositivo móvil o papel

Cancelación gratis

Hasta 24 horas de antelación.

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Visión general

The Sierra de Huelva, commonly known as the Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Natural Park, is one of the most beautiful natural spaces in western Andalusia. If its string of fairy-tale white villages strewn across the green mountains weren’t enough, it is also home to some of the best cuisine on the Iberian Peninsula, including the famous Jabugo ham.

The unmissable villages of the Sierra de Huelva
The villages are the Sierra de Huelva are actually very easy to visit by car since they are all well connected, despite being tucked into the mountains. Nearly all of them also have well-preserved historical centres which abound with medieval castles and fortresses.

Only tour offered for Tripadvisor, where it is also done in private. The guide-drivers are locals in the area, an authentic tour to get into the local culture.

Qué está incluido


Tour guide

Transporte privado

Lo que no está incluido


Información del viajero

  • INFANT: Años: 0 - 3
  • CHILD: Años: 4 - 10
  • YOUTH: Años: 11 - 17
  • ADULT: Años: 18 - 65
  • SENIOR: Años: 66 - 99

Información adicional

  • Controles regulares de temperatura para el personal
  • Distanciamiento social obligatorio durante toda la experiencia
  • Hay asientos o sillas infantiles disponibles
  • Máscara facial proporcionada para los viajeros
  • Política de permanencia en casa pagada para personal con síntoma
  • Uso de máscara facial obligatorio para los guías en todas las áreas públicas.
  • Vehículos de transporte regularmente desinfectados
  • Adecuado para todos los niveles de aptitud física
  • Desinfectante de manos disponible para los viajeros y personal
  • Equipamento desinfectado entre uso
  • Los bebés y los niños pequeños pueden ir en un cochecito o en una silla de paseo
  • No se recomienda para viajeros con mala salud cardiovascular
  • Se admiten animales de asistencia
  • Uso de máscara facial obligatorio para los viajeros en todas las áreas públicas.

Política de cancelación

Para obtener un reembolso completo, cancele como mínimo 24 horas antes de la hora de salida programada.

  • For a full refund, you must cancel at least 24 hours before the experience’s start time.
  • If you cancel less than 24 hours before the experience’s start time, the amount you paid will not be refunded.
  • This experience requires good weather. If it’s canceled due to poor weather, you’ll be offered a different date or a full refund.

What To Expect

Parque Natural Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche
After the pick up, we will take a tour through the Natural Park of the Sierra Norte de Sevilla until we reach Aracena.

2 hours • Admission Ticket Free

Plaza Marques de Aracena
Upon arrival in Aracena, we will make a private guided tour of the city, touring its white streets. We will visit the old public laundries.

2 hours • Admission Ticket Free

We will go up to the castle of Aracena to contemplate the spectacular views of the province.

30 minutes • Admission Ticket Free

Linares de la Sierra
We moved to Linares de la Sierra, a beautiful town with its unique bullring. Here we can enjoy the famous local cuisine.

1 hours • Admission Ticket Free

After lunch we finish our tour in Alajar, going up to Arias Montano, to enjoy the spectacular Mirador.

60 minutes • Admission Ticket Free

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